Title: Innovative Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation by Mediterranean Agricultural Sector – CLIMAMED 2019-2022
Abstract: The project aims at developing and delivering innovative,reliable,rapid and cost effective technologies of Tier 3 level for the on-site measurement of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions and Soil Organic Matter (SOC) stock changes from agricultural fields at real time, in order to assist scienists, public authorities and policy makers in collecting, quantifying, evaluating, mapping and reporting spatial data for GHGs emissions and SOC stock changes from the Mediterranean agricultural sector. Devices will be stable and can be installed permanently at fields to measure at individual fields or group of fields
Budget: 2859783€ (European Funded Project)
Partner: Benaki Phytopathological Institute (Greece), Centro di Sperimentazione e Assistenza Agricola (Italy), ENVITECH LTD (Cyprus), Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece), Green Projects SA (Greece), Ministry of Rural Development and Food (Greece), THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRETE (Greece), Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain)
Link to: https://life-climamed.eu/
Title: Boosting Regulatory Advantages Vis à vis Emas Registration – BRAVER – LIFE15 ENV/IT/000509 – 2016-2019
Abstract: The main objective of the project is to increase the adoption of measures of regulatory relief to support EMAS adoption in participating countries and regions. In particular, starting from the experiences of the 2011-2014 Life+ BRAVE project, the BRAVER aims to involve other EU countries willing to increase the number of EMAS registered organisations. More in detail, the project, aims at demonstrating that: (a) “better regulation” in environmental policies is possible if voluntary schemes, as EMAS and the EU Ecolabel, are effectively and proactively used in the development of new legislation and in the revision of the existing one; (b) these measures are feasible for all EU Member States and practicable at the EU regulatory level with a reasonable effort both in policy making (e.g.: drafting new or renovate directives or legislative acts) and in policy implementing (changing permitting procedures, communication flows, control modalities, etc.); (c) the adoption of an Environmental Management System can be a strong guarantee that a company is able to comply with environmental legislation; (d) the companies (and organisations) that apply a voluntary certification scheme, such as EMAS, deserve administrative “regulatory relief” and incentives (e.g.: permits, controls, etc.). This can lead to a better and more efficient application of the environmental policy, included traditional Command and Control instruments;
Budget: Total Budget € 1732075 (European Funded Project)
Partner: Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” , ENVIROS, s.r.o., ENVITECH (Environmental Technology) Ltd , Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Scientific reserch centre Bistra Ptuj, SCUOLA SUPERIORE DI STUDI UNIVERSITARI E DI PERFEZIONAMENTO SANT’ANNA.
Link to: http://www.lifebraver.eu/
Title: Development of a End of Waste Criteria to declassified Tire Pyrolysis Oil to be used for energy recovery in internal Compaction Engine (2019-2021)
Abstract: The requirements to define End-of-Waste Criteria (EWC) were set in the Waste Framework Directive (WFD), Article 6 and the detailed data collected are considered to be the baseline for the elaboration of the operational EWC through several steps. Such waste stream (which is produced from End of Life Tires-ELT) could be a valuable source for energy recovery and can be used on a pan-European basis as an alternative fuel, for co-incineration in cement plants or furthermore in internal compunctions engines. The exploration for sustainable energy is one of the most dynamic areas of research currently. This study aims to investigate the ability to manage and exploit the energy content of Tire Pyrolysis Oil (TPO), through pyrolysis technology as incineration/co-incineration technology for ELTs presents significant environmental issues. However, TPO, must be declassified from waste in order to be able to be use as an alternative fuel in internal combustion engines for power generation participating in the loop of circular economy and industrial symbiosis. This project focus on the development of a Quality Protocol (QP) and the procedure how to develop EWC for the declassification of TPO in order to replace Light Fuel Oil (LFO).
Budget: (National Cyprus Project)
Link to: https://www.biolandenergy.com/
Title: Development and Demonstration of a Waste Prevention Support Tool for Local Authorities – WASP LIFE10/ENVGR/000622/WASPTool (2011-2014)
Abstract: The overall objective of the project is to investigate, demonstrate and optimise the waste prevention potential at the Local Authority level, in the Mediterranean area, in the different geographic and waste policy context of Greece and Cyprus. More specifically, it will transfer and adapt experience from successful waste prevention activities in the EU to Greece and Cyprus, with the prospect of gaining knowledge for the wider transferability of such activities in different EU contexts. The project will facilitate the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) with respect to waste prevention, through the development of a Decision Support Tool (the WASP Tool) that will allow Local Authorities to select and implement the optimum waste prevention programmes for their local circumstances. Furthermore the project aims at raising the awareness of citizens about the need to minimize their waste via campaigns and means to achieve this goal. It will also provide the necessary knowledge for Greek and Cypriote policy makers in order to develop a proper waste prevention strategy for Greece and Cyprus respectively.
Budget: Total Budget € 1804081 (European Funded Project)
Partners: Harokopio University, Municipality of Hania, DEDISA, EPEM S.A., ENVITECH Cyprus, Municipality of Paralimni,
Link to: http://wasptool.hua.gr/
Title: Towards farms with zero carbon-, waste- and water-footprint. Roadmap for sustainable management strategies for Balkan agricultural, BALKANROAD
For this project some of the Experts of Envitech was act as subcontracting
Abstract: Balkan agricultural sector faces strong challenges in terms of unsustainable resources management and GHGs emissions.Although some countries show positive development indicators,however the continuous economic crisis,the low level of participatory/initiatives undertaking by local/regional authorities and the lower capacity and educational level of Balkan farmers in comparison to other European farmers,inhibit the adoption of innovative approaches and conformation of Balkan agriculture to EU policies, mainly at farm/local level.The project conception shares deeply the willingness of the farmers to protect the environment but also their deep concern to develop their skills,modernize and increase the profitability of their enterprises by reaching EU and international markets.Hence,BalkanROAD will provide tools and policies for economic development,through the adoption of environment protective practices which is a strong motivation for farmers to adopt and implement project’s outcomes.
Budget: 1284723 € (European Funded Project
Partner: Benaki Phytopathological Institute (Greece), Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Greece), American Farm School (Greece), European Regional Framework for Cooperation (Greece), Open University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Macedonian Organic Producers Federation (Fyrom), University of Tirana (Albania), Association of Agri-Environmental Farmers (Bulgaria)
Link to: https://balkanroad.eu/
Tile: Waste Compositional Analysis in Coastal Areas
Abstract: The project was dealing with the waste compositional analysis in the area of Protaras (Paralimni), Pervolia (Larnaka) and Konia (Pafos) in order to find out the relation between the waste production and the tourist industry
Budget: –
Partner: Department of Environment – Cyprus Government
Link to: http://www.moa.gov.cy
Title: CASI Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation, Mobilisation and Mutual Learning (MML) Action Plans: mainstreaming Science in Society actions in research (2013-2016) FP 7 eu project
For this project some of the Experts of Envitech was act as subcontracting
Abstract: The project “Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation” (CASI) is proposed as a response to one of the Grand Challenges set out in the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, namely “Climate action, environment resource efficiency and raw materials”. It represents an EU-wide cross-sectoral partnership on innovation-related challenges and considers not only the impacts of social and technological innovation, but also the types of actors involved and their inherent interests. It thus effectively integrates the perspectives of civil society, SMEs, industry, policy stakeholders, and leading academics. This collaboration investigates the scope of sustainable innovation as a societal phenomenon and enables the elaboration of an assessment framework of sustainable innovation practices, whose application can be successfully integrated into public policy developments.
Budget: 4500000 € (European Funded Project)
Partner: (FP7-Science-IN-Society-2013-1) under grant agreement no 612113, www.casi2020.eu
Link to: http://www.futuresdiamond.com/casi2020/
Title: Development of the Strategic Plan for Waste Prevention for Cyprus Government», Funded from the Department of Environment, Cyprus (2013)
Partner: Department of Environment – Cyprus Government
Link to: http://www.moa.gov.cy
Title: Development of Sustainable Waste Strategic Plan for Municipality of Paralimni, Cyprus, Funded from Municipality (2011-2016)
Title: Development of Sustainable Strategic Plan for Municipality of Sotira, Cyprus, Funded from Municipality (2011-Today)
Title: Development of Sustainable Strategic Plan for Municipality of Ayia Napa», Cyprus, Funded from Municipality (2014-2015)
Title: Design and implement a filter for ammonium removal from (a) wastewater treatment plant in real time (b) biogas production prowess from the treatment of poultry, pig, caw, waste in real time by using natural zeolite, founded from private sector (union of industries (2011-2013)
Budget: Project Funded from private sector in Romania
Partner: Institute of Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development (Cyprus), Romania
Title: Solid Waste Management from the Tourist Industry in Cyprus (2011)
Budget: Project Funded from private sector in Romania
Partner: Cyprus Sustainable Tourist Initiative, TUI Travel, Travel Foundation, Cyprus Tourist Organization, PriceWaterHouce Coopers and Librances, I.E.S.T
Link to: https://csti-cyprus.org